Following 2008 - Ongoing This project consists of projecting movies onto a paper or panel surface and reducing the projected images to line. I achieve this by tracing the contours or mapping out a characters screen time by following them with continuous marks as they move across the screen. In an attempt to recreate and document the physical act of eye tracing when watching a movie by collapsing a portion of the movie into one single image, the result is a collection of gesture or more controlled lines that display compositional decisions made by the filmmakers of the movie. My motivation for these drawing is instilled by the challenges of taking a temporal medium and reconstructing portions of it into a single image to be viewed simultaneously. The idea that a viewer has the ability to accept that character in a movie can travel long distances - across a country, across the world, across the galaxy, and even through time - on fixed screen and in a collapsed amount of time fascinates me. The viewer accepts this notion even though the character never leaves their line of sight from the fixed screen the character is presented on. These drawings map out the reality of where the character actually traveled or was located on the screen.